Wednesday, April 30, 2008

fourth assignment:

One of theme of the book is that they control people’s information. For example, they take people personal photograph, and rights to know the truth. That people don’t know in what situation they are living in.

The telescreens are a symbol of fear that the government watched the people of the country everywhere and every second.

Julia is another main character that 1984 has. She is a traitor to the government and to Winston.

third assignment:

1. This book it’s not completely new to me. It reminds of another book I read last year.

2. That book told the story of people not having their rights like they were supposed to and they didn’t have the right to tell the truth to the media on what was going on to them. This is like 1984. It is not an original book to me.

3. I do not think so that the author could make a new story out of what is happening right now in the world. Because it does look like the government right now it’s trying to take control of everything and every body. Taking over other country’s land. They don’t let the people decide for there self.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

second assignment:

1. I think the main character is Winston Smith. He is a person that doesn’t trust any one, and he believe that the world he is living in is not fair and something should change. He is always angry at someone and thing some bad should happen to people. On page 14 Winston’s diaphragm was constricted. He could never see the of Goldstein without a painful mixture of emotion.” On page 16 Winston hatred was turn against …. Big brother, the party, and the thought police.

2. I will compare myself to Winston because I don’t trust people much like him but as much. I also think the world is not fair because there a lot of rules that doest let people be as there self. Then I am different from him because when I get angry I don’t want to hope bad stuff happens to people like he does.

3. I see that no one talks to each other and that every body looks weird at each other. I would hear the telescreen and the patriot news and songs. I would smell rotten garbage.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

first assigment

i choose the book "1987" because it songs intersted just by reading the tittle. i don' really now what the book is about, but i do intersted of noing what is going to be. i hobe the book is instersted so i could really get into into. but i do thing is going to a good book to reed.